Jessica Garcia

ESOL - English Speakers of Other Languages

Digital Learning Resources for Home
Use these links below while we're participating in digital learning.


We use Kids A-Z during our ESOL class, there you can find assignments and lots of great books to read. The teacher name is jgarcia151.
You can also download the APP for free on any mobile device or smartphone.

Spanish Children's Stories

Sight Word Practice Videos


I am a native of Carroll County and I graduated from the University of West Georgia with a Bachelor’s Degree in Early Childhood Education.  This is my third year teaching ESOL, before that I taught Pre-Kindergarten, Kindergarten, First and Second grades all at Sharp Creek.  This is my 20th year in education with 16 years in the public-school system.  I am happily married to Mr. Chuy Garcia and we have two daughters, Julianna and Sophia.  When I’m not at school I enjoy spending time with my family and reading books.    


Soy nativa del condado de Carroll y me gradué de la Universidad de West Georgia con una licenciatura en Educación de Niñez Temprana .  Este es mi segundo año de enseñanza ESOL, antes de que yo era maestra de pre-Kindergarten, Kindergarten, primer y segundo grados en Sharp Creek.  Este es mi 20º año de educación con 16 años en el sistema de escuelas públicas. Estoy felizmente casada con el Sr. Chuy Garcia y tenemos dos hijas, Julianna y Sophia. Cuando no estoy en la escuela me gusta pasar tiempo con mi familia y la lectura de libros.